CURN Quotes: Gabrielle
Quotes from the Student Team
Gabrielle Dagasso, Bachelor of Science, major in Mathematics & minor in Computing Science, 2021
1)When first joining the CURN team and beginning any initial planning, what did that look like to you?
I first joined the CURN team when we were first organizing the website and assigned pages and modules to create. The website had been created though most pages were empty shells with very few pages having been created.
2) What has the impact on your learning been from the process?
It has given me a different perspective on how projects such as these have been built has been very impactful on my learning. It has showed me how useful constructive discussions are in projects and how they affect project development.
3) What role has Undergraduate Research played in the journey of your degree?
Undergraduate research has been instrumental in giving me insight in what my next steps are. I have been lucky enough to be a part of multiple research projects and have had the opportunity to talk with many people from fields that I am interested in pursuing. The most valuable thing I have gained is presentation skills for a wide variety of audiences from high school students to senior medical professionals.
4) What has been most meaningful to you as a student co-creator of CURN?
Knowing that my input is taken into consideration in project decisions and getting to collaborate with a wide variety of people have been most meaningful to me during the course of this project.