ENGAGE: What do I do now?
I’m already doing research and things are not going well. What do I do?
Welcome to the club! Research is a windy road full of twists and turns, it is very normal for it to feel like the whole world is burning and you’re the one who has to fix it. Here are some tips and tricks from other undergraduate researchers who have been in your shoes before, and their stories of how they managed to figure it out in the end!
Don’t forget that small is big, new perspectives are golden and taking the plunge into research can be scary but rewarding!
I’ve found the answers I was looking for, am I done with research now?
Nope, you’re just now you’re getting to the fun part! One of the vital parts of being a researcher is your responsibility to share your knowledge with the world. Knowing your audience, understanding how they learn, and communicating that knowledge becomes as essential as the knowledge itself. You’ll find tons of resources and information on this next stage in your research journey under the BECOME section of our website!